Sunday, May 27, 2007

What I have learned

Personally I have learned so much from this project about global warming. First of all I’ve gained a lot of information about this series danger that is threatening our planet. The second thing is I have learned simple techniques and individual actions to be done which will help to reduce the effects of global warming. Finely, with the information that I’ve gained from this project I can now aware people about global warming so the whole world could act together to stop this catastrophe.


Waddah Al Tamimi said...

Hi Monem77,

I like the way your blog looks, good work.

I just want to know that after you learn and know almost everything about global warming, what will be your action towards it or what are you going to do as individual to reduce if not stop global warming.

thank you for the good information.

Metal77 said...

HI Waddah

Personally I’ve replaced the bulbs in our house with a fluorescent bulbs.but a Collective action is needed not just individual actions

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