Saturday, May 26, 2007

Individual actions to be taken

1-Replace your regular bulbs at your house with a compact fluorescent bulbs

2-Recycle aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic, paper, cardboard and newspapers. This will reduce the energy needed to make new products

3-Reduce your water heater to 40-60 C , or call a service person to adjust it.

4-Regularly check your car tire pressure, poorly inflated tires waste gas.

5-Use public transportation such as buses and trains. this will reduce the amount of cars been used and reduce the percentage of CO2 emissions.


Khuzaima AL-Hashimi said...

hi Abdullmonem, so do you think that peopla are going through these actions?!

Metal77 said...

Hi Khuzaima

Personally I’ve replaced the bulbs in our house with a fluorescent bulbs.but I think the main problem here in UAE is the big number of cars been used comparing to the small number of population